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Skin laser treatments aren't just for Hollywood stars anymore

Hollywood stars best-kept skin secrets just aren't that secret anymore. It's well known that many stars keep themselves looking fresher and younger through cosmetic treatments and with new, less invasive laser technologies they can be back in front of the camera the very next day.

Jennifer Aniston was named "the most beautiful woman alive" by People magazine in 2016 and at 43 years of age, how does she do it? Jennifer openly admits to using laser skin treatments to rejuvenate collegen, tighten skin and reduce small lines and imperfections in her skin. As well, she minimizes her exposure to the sun and always wears a very strong sun block.

IPL lasers treatments, also known as photo rejuvenation or photo facials, can dramatically transform your skin with little discomfort and a short downtime. Now that both treatment times and costs have dramatically lessened, everyone can take advantage of the technology used by the stars.

IPL treatments are commonly used for lightening and removing sun spots, age spots and brown blotches on the face, neck, chest, hands and other areas of the body. As well, it is an ideal solution for Rosacea, Epidermal Melasma, broken capillaries, freckles, dull skin, fine line reduction and collagen remodelling.

(Un-retouched image courtesy of Eclipps Body and Skin)

The way it works is that the IPL emits a range of lightwaves that are tuned and targeted at the melanin. The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by the melanin, fragmenting the melanin pigment. The fragmented pigment is then absorbed by the body, making them less visible. When the light bypasses the outer layer of skin and gently heats the cells in the deeper layer of skin, the cells start to produce more collagen which improves texture and fine wrinkles.

IPL treatments generally consist of a series of 3 to 5 treatments, usually performed every three to six weeks depending on your skin type and the sun damage or redness you have.

There may be a mild discomfort during your treatment, but most patients find it very tolerable. Depending on the size of the area, the treatment usually takes 15 to 90 minutes.

(Un-retouched image courtesy of Refresh Medi Spa)

Your IPL specialist will give you instructions prior to your first treatment as there is some preparation to follow. Below are common instructions both prior to your first treatment as well as post-care instructions.

Pre-treatment client compliance for IPL treatments

  • Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds 4-8 weeks prior to your appointment.

  • Report all medication taken prior to your first appointment as well as any medical changes. It's important that your specialist knows about your medical history as you may be asked to discontinue specific medications.

  • Discontinue peels or mocrodermabrasion of any other skin irritants 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue sunscreen 12 hours before treatment. Avoid chlorinated pools/hot tubs 12 hours prior to treatment.

Post client compliance for IPL treatments

  • Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds for 2 weeks post treatment

  • If the skin feels too warm/hot after treatment, apply cold compresses (not direct ice)

  • If there are any blisters or burns, apply antibiotic ointment or Aloe Vera

  • Don't apply make-up over blisters and scabs

  • Keep the area moisturized to avoid hyper/hypopigmentation, infection or scaring

  • Avoid over heating the body, such as strenuous exercise, hot tubs, saunas, hot baths/showers 48 hours after the treatment.

  • Wear sunscreen SPF30+ in the treated area. Reapply often.

The common side effects are mild, temporary swelling, redness, and accentuation of brown spots, crusting and the occasional bruise or small superficial blister.


If you want to learn more about the Dermalase IPL - the lowest priced, Health Canada approved Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation device manufactured and serviced in right here in Canada, including training and certification - just give us a call at 604-788-3413 to book your FREE demonstration.

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