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5 Beauty Business Marketing Ideas for January & February

January and February can be tough months for some beauty business, aesthetic clinics or beauty spas – but, that’s not the case for savvy business owners that have begun their marketing early, are frequently getting their message out there and not following the competition!

First, don’t wait until after the New Year of begin marketing your offers and promotions if you want to be successful. Now is the time to capture your clients and potential new customers while they are in the holiday spending mood.

1. Have a ‘January Sale’

Discounting services can have it’s place in bringing in new customers, but I recommend added value offers on services or treatments.

Make it work best for your business by carefully considering which days and times during your operational hours have the least traffic during these months and schedule your promotions to build that traffic during those periods.

Offers you might consider is packaging two complementary services or treatments together for a value price - as long as they don’t take more time combined than if performed individually – they are a great way to increase your billable-hour.

If you offer retail products in your beauty spa, clinic or salon you might offer a package that includes a skin rejuvenation treatment plus XX product.

2. Use gift cards now to fill your spa in January and February

Of course gift cards make wonderful presents at Christmas, so why wouldn’t you be marketing them now rather than waiting after the New Year?

Be sure to promote it on all your social media channels as well as your website, Facebook business page as well as by email (because you should have all your clients emails to reach out to when needed).

NOTE: Be sure that you put conditions that help you fill these crucial first two months of the year; e.g.: Cards can only be used from January 1 to February 28th.Also be sure that the cards can only be redeemed for hair removal services or skin rejuvenation treatments, not for any retail product you might sell as there likely isn’t enough profit margin in the retail to make it worthwhile.

DID YOU KNOW: Studies reveal 61% of gift card holders spend more than the total value of the gift card?

3. Run a Salon/Spa/Clinic event during business hours

Many clients and customers might be tightening their belts right after the holiday season (which is why ideally you want them to make a purchase before January), but they will be enticed by a open-house event if it involves some mini-treatments, drinks and treats.

Be sure to make the event exclusive and invite your best clients and a friend and be sure to have them pre-book by letting them know places are limited.

It’s a great way to show your appreciation as well as grown your client base.

BTW: Don’t have it in the cold evening, many are not temped to go out if it’s icy outside, so have it start just before lunch and perhaps until 6pm

TIP: Ask suppliers for freebie products and if they have a team member that would like to attend, invite them to help with mini-treatments/consultations

Be sure that you offer mini-consultations so your clients can be introduced to new services, treatments or products they will want to take advantage of in the future (of course, book them in if they insist..LOL).

4. Promote your offer BEFORE Christmas

Remember earlier I wrote that client and potential customers are in the holiday spending mood? Now is the time to promote and sell your new year packages – but, for the month of December use themed holiday artwork to enhance the holiday spirit and entice customers to choose your packages.

5. Boost your efforts with email Christmas cards

Successful medi-spa, salon and beauty business marketing depends on using every channel and promotional tool simultaneously. Studies show that clients need to see a message repeated many, many times before they commit to purchase.

Research also still confirms that email is still ranked as the number one marketing channel for creating a return on your investment – so, if you are not building and using your client email list all year round - you are missing out.

Be sure to send Thank You email Christmas cards to your existing clients (including your offer) and be sure to personalize it so it doesn’t feel like a form letter - a thank you goes a long way.

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