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Top 5 Tips to get reviews for your salon or medi-spa

Online reviews used to primarily for restaurant or hotels – but a lot has changed and now I’m sure all of us hasn’t made a purchase on Amazon without reading a review.

And if you are in the beauty business and do hair removal or skin rejuvenation services - you know that before potential new customers even discover your website or Facebook or Instagram page – they are going to learn as much about you as possible before considering choosing you for their beauty treatment.

There are numerous places that customers can leave reviews, but in our industry they are typically left on Yelp, Facebook or Google and Groupon if you are using their services.

According to a BrightLocal research paper on customer reviews, on average 82% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses and will read on average 10 reviews before they feel they are able to trust a business.

So, how do we get positive reviews to help our medi-spa or beauty business grow? The simple answer is; Just ask.

Some customers may leave a review without having been asked, but most simply won’t. However, asking increases the likelihood that they will leave a review – and the more often you ask, that likelihood will increase even more.

Below I’ve outlined the Top 5 strategies to getting positive reviews from your valued clients.

1. Be sure you have a place online for them to leave a review.

As I mentioned above, in the beauty industry there are many places that customers can leave a review, however the tops ones are your own Facebook page, Yelp and Google - as well as your own website.

Take advantage of Google My Business to claim your spot on the world's largest search engine where new clients can find you. Here your clients can leave reviews increasing your credibility. Do the same for Yelp if you believe that is where your potential new clients are looking.

2. Make sure your website is review friendly.

If you have a website, be sure to add opportunities for site visitors to be able to leave reviews on your Facebook, Google or Yelp pages. This can be added to your header or footer as well as each blog post you publish.

3. Find the right time to ask

Just after you've completed a successful skin rejuvenation treatment or comfortable hair removal service - your client is in an emotionally positive mood and before you say your good byes - invite them to leave a testimonial for you on one of your sites. If you have an exit package or will send a follow up email - you can easily have the links there for them to follow through.

Don't think this is the only right moment - if you have a referral program in place that rewards your client for bringing in new business, why not ask then? They should be delighted by their referral reward and also feeling positive about your business.

4. Incentivize them

Your customers time is valuable and by offering them a reason to leave a review will make it more likely they will follow through.

There are many incentives you can use such as discounts, coupons, contests, gift cards or even social responsible acts.

Starloop is company that helps businesses solicit reviews and in the process promises to plant a tree for each review given. Trees are planted in countries where there are serious deforestation issues, including Madagascar and Ethiopia.

Now, you don't have to sign up for their service, but the idea of social reciprocity is very powerful - in which if you do good deeds or help others, good will come back to you. Think local. You could offer to donate something to local charities for each review, etc.

5. Meet them where they feel comfortable.

Sure, emailing your customers an invitation to leave a review - perhaps with a contest as a reward will work (just be sure to leave direct links to the site you want them to leave a testimonial one).

But, another avenue you may not have considered is to connect with via your Facebook messenger or Instagram direct messaging.

You could start by asking an open-ended question first, such as 'How is the progress of your last ______________ (insert specific treatment such as 'Acne treatment', or 'Photo facial')?" This way you can start a conversation and get a sense of their satisfaction before asking for a review - as well as confirm your next follow up treatment appointment.

But - what about negative reviews?

Nobody is perfect and mistakes can sometimes happen. If there is a problem while you are with your client, ensure that you do everything possible to fix the issue or come to a resolution

If you receive a review online that is negative, you should respond. Without being defensive try to be empathetic and compassionate and see if you can discover a resolution. Even if that customer can't be satisfied, your reply will be read and noted by others and Harvard Business Review has found that business that do respond to negative reviews actually resulted in better ratings overall!

So don't forget to ask for a review and be sure to thank them afterwards.


If you want to learn more about the Dermalase IPL - the lowest priced, Health Canada approved IPL Laser Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation device manufactured and serviced right here in Canada, including training and certification - just give us a call at 604-788-3413 to book your FREE demonstration.


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